A little about the goals of this trip

I thought it would be helpful to talk a little bit about the goals of this summer's trip. 

Basically, with this trip, we are hoping to figure out where we go from here as an organization.  So far our programs have consisted of individual student sponsorships, with the aim of putting these students in a situation that will allow them to become leaders for change in Africa.  The most logical next step would be to partner with a school (or even a few schools) and work to develop it (them).  This would eventually allow us to sponsor all our students there and best provide them with the education they need. 

Our mission is to create future leaders, and we think we can do that more efficiently if our students all attend the same school and we work closely with that school.  During this trip, we hope to meet with as many people working in education in Uganda as possible to find out whether our goals are a) feasible and b) desirable by the community at large.  Based on what we know and what our students have told us, we think they are, but we would like to get many more opinions on that.  Once those conditions are met, we would like to learn how to best choose a school to partner with, find that school, and figure out how we can help that school prepare all its students to become leaders in their communities.   As I quickly mentioned, it could potentially be worthwhile to work to provide support to several schools, so we are keeping that in mind as well.

This summer definitely promises to be exciting for the organization, and we are looking forward to see where it will take us. 


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