Our Work in Schools
Educate! works to integrate an employment-focused school subject at the secondary level, redefining what schools teach and how they teach it.
This work began in Uganda in 2009 with the development of an entrepreneurship and employment experience delivered directly to secondary students.
Today, this extensively validated model serves as both the foundation of our work and a marker of the impact we aim to achieve. As we’ve grown and extended our reach, it remains a critical learning lab.
Drawing on our experience in Uganda, Educate! also collaborates with national education systems to scale our approach, reaching even greater numbers of students. Through strategic government partnerships, Educate! helps bridge the gap between traditional curricula and teaching methods and skills-based education reforms that prepare youth to meet the evolving demands of the labor market.
To date, we have provided technical advice on the design of an employment-focused school subject to the Ugandan, Rwandan, Kenyan, and Tanzanian governments, supplemented with teacher training and sustainability structures.
Members of a student business club in Uganda showcase their products.