Educate!, a heal for Africa, by Benson Wereje

Benson Wereje is one of Educate!’s inspiring Scholarship Students.  He has the following to say about Educate!:

I view Educate! as a unique organization and a heal for some of Africa’s
failing governments.

I can’t hesitate to mention that the dollars spent by the peace keepers in
DRC if are to be in the hands of Coburwas the war can end in a short time.
Congo is one of the governments that has suffered for the worst viruses
“corruption, tribalism, dictatorship etc”, these are some of the
ant-developmental viruses.

We the victims of the above, we strongly believe that the cure is through
us, education, personal and social leadership.

The point of support is that through Educate! students who have got a dose
on the above programs namely Benson, Daniel, Bahati, Amani, etc have led to
a movement that resulted to more than 1.000 young refugees joining schools
through sensitization in one year. Not only this but also 5.000 mosquito
nets were distributed in the camp through fighting malaria in the same year.
All these were the big challenges that the humanitarian organization in the
camp had failed to provide in last 10 years.

Through entrepreneurship programs being developed by Educate! we have been
able to establish a Hostel and orphanage that are solutions to demands of
refugees in Kyangwali camp. Other income generating activities are also being

If Educate! continues to energize this club, developing and stopping the Congo
war is not far from our hands.

This is shown in Joseph an Educate! student, a youth, and a servant leader
in COBURWAS who joined African Leadership Academy. His potential
has been proven by the school and powerful speakers who present there. All his fellow students all over the World also mentioned the same.

Love, Peace and Unity is a simple but concrete way to bring peace in

We have not Obama but we have Obamas.



Joseph Munyambanza gives closing remarks for keynote address by Archbishop Desmond Tutu


A note regarding tribalism in the Democratic Republic of Congo by Educate! Student Joseph Munyambaza