Educate! June Scholar of the Month: Juliet Kabasomi

Juliet Kabasomi
Juliet Kabasomi’s parent’s have struggled to provide basic needs for her large family since she was young. Having enough food for the family was a daily struggle, in addition to paying school fees. Being the oldest of eight children, Juliet learned early on that she would have to be creative in order to succeed.
Juliet utilized the tools she learned in the Educate! course and from her life experiences, to create a community initiative to inspire youth in and out of school to succeed.  
Juliet’s initiative began by working with a small number of people from her community. She then decided to expand by including the older women of her community who mentor youth while she is at school.  Each week members of the initiative contribute a small monetary amount to the group fund.  The funds are then distributed to struggling youth in the community to cover school and book fees.  Loans given are paid back with low interest rates to sustain the group.  
Juliet wants to contribute to improve her community and inspire youth to become changemakers! She knows first-hand the difficulties that youth face and is committed to making a difference. 



Educate! July Scholar of the Month: Joan Nansubuga


Educate! May Scholar of the Month: Sharon Tino