Educate! August Scholar of the Month: Mwebya Kassim
Mwebya Kassim
Mwebya Kassim’s incredible journey into leadership began with his hope to start a better life for himself. Mwebya wanted to become self-sufficient but felt that he lacked the necessary skills and monetary stability. Despite these challenges Mwebya’s determination never faltered telling his Mentor, “I will find a way.”
To become independent Mwebya knew that he would have to work hard and be creative. Using Educate!’s social entrepreneurship guidance, Mwebya started a poultry farm of ducks and hens. Simultaneously, Mwebya got an after-school job at a restaurant. Through the restaurant Mwebya worked with his boss to create more opportunities for himself, selling juice and other products on weekends and holidays.
Mwebya continues to work hard, creating more financial opportunities for himself and others. Using paper bag training provided by his Educate! Mentor, Mwebya and his friends meet weekly to make paper bags. They then sell the bags to different venues across their community. Mwebya’s efficiency as a leader comes from his selflessness and dedication to Educate! and his fellow Scholars. The previously reserved Mwebya has become a natural leader and is excited for what the future holds!