Educate!'s Work in Rwanda Profiled by World Bank and Solutions for Youth Unemployment
Educate!’s work in Rwanda is one of 19 innovative projects profiled in a new publication by Solutions for Youth Employment (S4YE). The report highlights Educate!’s model in Rwanda for supporting young entrepreneurs to generate socially responsible business ideas that factor in their community’s needs and opportunities. As a high-potential project, Educate!’s experience and proven impact can be used to influence the design of second-generation programs.
Featured in the World Bank’s Jobs and Development Blog, S4YE’s new Impact Portfolio aims to create a network of youth employment practitioners to serve as a dynamic learning community and laboratory for improving the jobs outcomes of youth globally. S4YE states that Educate!’s innovative, youth-centered model is “...a shift away from traditional models, in which teachers stand in front of the classroom, and requires a mindset shift and behavioral change on the part of teachers.”
S4YE is a multi-stakeholder coalition comprised of actors like the World Bank, the International Labour Organization, and Microsoft, which work together to provide leadership and resources for catalytic action to increase the number of young people engaged in productive work.
Check out the World Bank blog post or the full report to learn more about Educate!’s work in Rwanda and the other innovative projects featured, including Save the Children’s Education for Youth Empowerment in Bangladesh, the UK's Department for International Development’s Mombasa County Youth Employment Programme in Kenya, and RTI’s USAID Higher Education for Economic Growth project in El Salvador.
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