How might participating in Educate! impact a girl’s life?
Our graduates are better off than their peers, but what do our impact results mean for female participants?
The following is a stylized example illustrating how participating in Educate! impacts a young woman over time, based on evidence from our external impact evaluations.
In two rigorous evaluations, students demonstrated large income and employment gains at the end of the program, before graduating from high school.
A follow-on RCT revealed that youth who go through our program are prioritizing tertiary, trading off short-term economic gains from working full time for longer-term potential gains from higher education.
*Results from a quasi-experimental evaluation conducted from 2015-2017, in partnership with BRAC, to better understand the impact of the Educate! Experience at scale: BRAC. (2018). “PSM End of Course Evaluation Report.”
**Results from female subsample of a follow-on Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) to measure our program’s impact on students 3.5 years after graduating from secondary. Carney, Dana, et al. (2019). “Educate! Evaluation: Four-year Follow-up Report.”